Archive for the ‘business negotiations’ Tag

Dueling Words at Ten Paces

I had hoped to settle in and finish the first draft of my current project, but I have been sidetracked by the events of one big publisher negotiating with one big distributor on the web, so I decided to create a poster that sums it up.

If you are interested in the business of publishing, both traditional and Indie, I suggest you settle in and enjoy the business negotiation process unfolding between Hachette and Amazon, and follow along as some authors buy into the negotiations, but do check your facts before commenting, either on this site or any other site, because there are a lot of false statements floating around at the moment.

The process of one author commenting and other authors arguing against the first author reminds me of a boxing match (or a duel), with one throwing a punch (or firing a shot), and the opponent blocking, or throwing a counter punch, (or taking his time to aim and fire while the first duelist is reloading his pistol).

I may also draw some cartoons later. Enjoy the poster.




Some of the sites to follow to get a balanced view of this duel are The Passive Voice, J A Konrath, and Hugh Howey.

I hope that after another week or two, I will come to my senses and get back into writing or creating covers.

Keep writing and having fun.