Archive for the ‘Galaxy Freight Novelettes’ Tag

Galaxy Freight IV and V Now Available

Galaxy Freight Novelettes 4 and 5 are now completed and published.

In Galaxy Freight 4, titled Crew Extraction, Captain Alana Black helps relocate the Altien to a new cave away from the erupting volcano while waiting for her missing crew to reach the agreed pickup location south of the volcano.

Read the full blurb here including links to Smashwords and Amazon as soon as they are available.







In Galaxy Freight V, titled Evasive Action, Captain Alana Black arrives in the Cygnus system to offload the rescued teenagers, she is ordered to wait for an escort before docking at the Port Authority space station. She realises it is a set-up to remove her passengers, and permanently stop her reporting the illegal mining, so she flees the area.

Read the full blurb here including links to Smashwords and Amozon as soon as they are available.





I am now writing Galaxy Freight VI where I will hopefully tie up all the loose ends.

Galaxy Freight Series

I completed and uploaded the first two novelettes in a new series, called Galaxy Freight.

Captain Alana Black owns a freighting company called Galaxy Freight and pilots her space ship between earth and colonized planets at the edge of settled space.

She has an android to help called Sam, and an artificial intelligence program called Ship.

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