Archive for February, 2016|Monthly archive page

Fantasy Tracker Series #2 – Guard

I finished the draft of Guard, the second story in my fantasy Tracker series. The story is with beta readers at the moment, and I am busy creating the cover image and writing the blurb.

If you want a sneak peek at what has been done so far for the second book cover in the Tracker series then keep reading. Continue reading

Why do I need Google Plus or Google Profile?

I spent my first hour this morning reading everything in my FeedReader relating to writing and publishing. The same as every other morning. Takes about an hour, before I edit or write.

I worked my way through each blog, thinking, yes, same old same old. Yep, doing that. Next blog post. Not doing that, as it is a waste of time.

Worked my way through the list, until I got to The Book Designer week in the blogs page.  Continue reading