Archive for October, 2015|Monthly archive page

Sneak Peek at New Cover

I am busy with editing and designing the cover, ready for the print version of my first fantasy in a new series called Tracker to be published.

As usual I struggle with writing blurbs or cover copy to entice readers to pick up my stories. So, the cover copy, along with the rest of the cover may change before “Rider” is ready to publish.

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My Results From Learning How To Market.

I used the steps outlined by Nick Stevenson (I mentioned in the last blog post) for my Sensing Danger series (3 books).

It worked, if not as much as I hoped. I have downloads happening. I may discuss numbers in another blog post when I have more data.

What I noticed, my other stories sold a lot more since I made Sensing Danger 1: Rescue free. I believe others call it the “halo effect”. It seems that when readers look at the Sensing Danger page, they must click on “other books by same author”, and purchase one of them. Continue reading

Marketing Ideas for Indie Writers

You must do the following before marketing.

Write a good story, get it copy edited, format correctly, including an interesting blurb, and eye catching (appealing to readers of the correct genre) cover.
Place it in the correct genre, using correct metadata search words.
Upload to all sites, not just Amazon Select.
Create a POD file and upload to Createspace, and select all channels, as well as price correctly for bookstores to get their discount.

Now what? Continue reading